EMAR 21 Application_4000x2250

EMAR 21 Application

Before an aircraft Design Organisation (DO) or an aircraft Production Organisation (PO) can deliver designs or products for use in or on Norwegian military aircraft, the organisation must apply to MAA-NOR for such approval according to EMAR 21 J (DO) or EMAR 21 G (PO). If you plan to apply for such an approval, we suggest you download and use the guidance material and templates listed below.

EMAR 21 Application

The applications related to EMAR 21 and inital airworthiness are:

  • Design organisation
  • Militar Type Certificate, including change and supplement
  • Form 4 application
  • Application for design organisation approval
  • Application for Permit to fly
  • Application for minor change approval

Please contact us for discussions on how to proceed. Please note that existing approvals will normally be honoured.